Placenta Creme

Placenta Creme

Placenta Creme is made by mixing a small amount of placenta powder (usually 1 tsp or less) with organic coconut oil (an essential oil of your choice can be added, if desired). This mixture is warmed in a water bath and stored in a glass jar for several days in a cool dark environment.



Placenta Creme may help:

* reduce the appearance of c-section scarring

* reduce the appearance of stretch marks

*heal sore or cracked nipples from breastfeeding

* reduce skin inflammation from eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis

* reduce the appearance of aging skin (lines, veins, sun-spots, wrinkles)

* reduce inflammation for babies with diaper rash or eczema

Placenta Creme can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks.

Fee: $30